What is Cryotherapy and Why Should I Use It?

What Is Cryotherapy?

You may have seen photos or videos of people standing in a robe or swim suit in those icy-looking cryo chambers and wondered, “What exactly does this do for the body?” You don’t have to wonder anymore because you came to the right place! Cryotherapy is a service where the body is exposed to incredibly cold temperatures for a few consecutive minutes. Curious about how cold it gets in there? Technically freezing at an average of  negative 150 degrees fahrenheit, but we promise you’ll enjoy every second of it! After all, people go out of their way to relax in these chambers every day. 

How Often Should You Use CryoTherapy?

If you are considering using cryotherapy, you should make it a plan to stay consistent. Some athletes are known to use whole body cryotherapy up to twice a day, but the average person may go for treatment one to two times per week. Users who see the best results typically receive 3-5 sessions in the chamber per week. Of course, the amount of sessions you will need will depend on the condition you have and what you are hoping to treat. 

What Ailments Can Cryotherapy Help?

People aren’t jumping into these subzero temperatures just for fun, but because there are so many health benefits. From reduction in inflammation, to weight loss, to reducing stress and beyond, we are going to go a bit deeper and explain how this form of therapy can help you live a better, more comfortable life.

Say Goodbye to Inflammation and Swelling

Are you on your feet all day? Do you find yourself suffering from swollen legs, feet, or toes? Cryotherapy can help reduce swelling to those parts of the body by stimulating them with cold air. Perhaps you’re suffering from inflammation due to an autoimmune disorder or a recent infection. With the use of cryotherapy, a short session in the chamber has been proven to show inflammation reductions.

Pain, Pain, Go Away!

One of the main reasons people use cryotherapy is to alleviate pain in their bodies. How many times in your life have you applied an ice pack to your body after an injury? Probably too many times to count! Think of cryotherapy as someone holding the ice pack for you. Instead of keeping that ice pack glued to your side for hours and having it melt, hop in a cryochamber and experience the ease of it all.

No More Stress Over Here

Life’s too short to be stressed, so set up a cryotherapy appointment this week! Many people think cryotherapy is only stress relieving because you are taking yourself into a spa-like environment with relaxing music but there’s so much more to this. Cryotherapy reduces cortisol levels which is the stress hormone in your body. Cortisone is responsible for your blood pressure and energy levels. Cryotherapy essentially shrinks the levels of cortisol in your body and releases endorphins, the hormone that is responsible for making you feel comfortable and positive.

While we only covered a few elements that cryotherapy can treat, the list goes on and on. Visit our website to learn more about how cryotherapy treatment can better your life. If you’re in the Ocean County, New Jersey area, we invite you to set up an appointment right here at our Brick facility. We look forward to seeing you and helping you return to an optimal level of activity as quickly and safely as possible.