When you think about hitting the sauna, you might automatically think about walking into a room that is unbearably hot and steamy. Well, it’s 2022 and there are easier ways to detoxify your body without the added degrees. Infrared saunas utilize light wavelengths to penetrate the skin. Essentially, you are heating your body from the inside versus the outside. Most people without hesitation would agree that infrared saunas are much more comfortable than dry saunas, but you still need to be mindful of the heat and stay hydrated. It’s common for people to be surprised at how much they’re sweating since the room does not feel that hot. Infrared saunas were first invented in Japan in 1965. These saunas have come a long way in the last 57 years, and the technology has only gotten better and better. At AccuCare Physical Therapy, we are proud to have a state-of-the-art Sunlight Infrared mPulse Sauna.
Now we’re going to dive a bit deeper and explain the benefits of using an infrared sauna.
Staying Fit
You may be surprised to learn that sitting in an infrared sauna is similar to going for a walk. How is that you wonder? Well the sauna makes you sweat, it increases your cardiac output, and increases your heart rate. This is very similar to what you experience when going for a walk around your neighborhood. If you are someone who finds it difficult to go for walks and get your exercise in, you might find yourself falling in love fast with an infrared sauna.
Detoxify Your Body
This is one of the main reason’s people use an infrared sauna- to remove toxins from their body! Some of the toxins that get removed are phthalates, heavy metals, Bisphenol A, PCB and pesticides. The strong heat is what stimulates metabolic activity, which then creates the release of toxins through sweat. Here’s another way to think about it. When you’re sick and get a fever, your body tries to release the pesky toxins by making you sweat. A virus can be destroyed with heat, so hitting the sauna is a sure-fire way to kill those toxins!
Relieve Your Pain
Infrared saunas are known to relieve or reduce pain in some chronic pain patients, such as people who suffer from arthritis or fibromyalgia. How does this work? The heat from the sauna raises your body temperature which makes your body think it has a fever. From here, your immune system will spring into action thus producing more white blood cells. In turn, the high degree of heat reduces inflammation and swelling in the body. By increasing your blood flow with heat, more oxygen-rich blood moves to the parts of the body that are experiencing the most pain. Bye, bye, pain!
Close Your Eyes and Relax
Our favorite benefit about using an infrared sauna is the relaxation aspect. We all live busy and stressful lives and need to give ourselves some time to relax. When you step into an infrared sauna, you can start your countdown to solitude because you will be feeling calm and composed very soon. Many people think they will experience relaxation from the aesthetic setting of the sauna and the music in the background, but those are just bonuses.
Infrared saunas have been proven to help people who suffer from anxiety and depression by boosting serotonin levels. They also target your parasympathetic nervous systems. If you’re not sure what that means, it’s your fight or flight response. By driving heat to this system, you will relax. The more you can drive your parasympathetic system, the greater you will feel.
With all of the benefits of using an infrared sauna, why would you not want to use one? At AccuCare Physical Therapy in Brick, New Jersey, we have a state-of-the-art infrared sauna system for you to enjoy. When you book a session at our wellness center, our team of experienced professionals will make sure your session is tailored to your body to ensure that you receive the best treatment you can get. Don’t hesitate to call us at 732-785-5500 to make an appointment or visit our website to learn more about us.